Chitter Chatter

Time to do some weeding

Rita Duponty
Sep 10, 2021
Photo by @chairulfajar_ on Unsplash

All day long the chitter
chatter goes on.

From morning till night
the noise resounds.
People rushing and
whizzing by. Muffled
talk by a society in
panic not understanding

Close your door to the
static and hazy views
that comes your way.

Weed out the chatter
the mental clutter of the

Take a break from the
human race. Yes, find
your own personal

© Rita Duponty, September 2021

Thank you for reading.

Thought for today: Do one thing for yourself today that brings you joy.

Author’s note:
Society has a way of swallowing people up whole. When you find yourself getting caught in its web, it may be time to pull back. Your personal space is a treasure.

